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VITAMIN WELL Women's Race Berlin

Become part of this community! You can do it!

The KoRo Women's Run Berlin 2023 was a great pleasure for the participants. / SCC EVENTS - Tilo Wiedensohler

Get fit in four weeks for the KoRo Women's Run Berlin 2024

The aim of the KoRo Women's Run Berlin is to bring athletes and active women together - regardless of their current sporting level. The community counts and everyone is welcome just as they are.

To make this possible, the event offers two routes and three disciplines. A 5-kilometre and a 10-kilometre course are available. Participants can run, walk or Nordic walk on both. Because the motto "Be yourself" is more important than the sporting competition.

Every woman and every girl can take part - and get fit for their route in the four weeks until the start. This applies not only to experienced runners, but also if you are a beginner or returning runner. And this is how it works:

  • You've decided to take part - that's great. See what your current fitness level is and what form of exercise suits you best. Can you already walk for 30 minutes or run or jog for 10 minutes?
  • If you are returning to sport or are completely new to it, have a quick check-up with your doctor - this is free for all women aged 35 and over with statutory health insurance.
  • You will receive a KoRo women's running T-shirt from adidas with your participation, which is a high-quality functional sports shirt. You should also take a look at your shoes: Well-fitting running shoes in mint condition are half the battle. You should also buy a well-fitting sports bra. The rest can be fashionable or comfortable, depending on your style.
  • Don't stress! Start training slowly and take plenty of breaks. If it gets too much, you can also shorten your lap, interrupt it or take walking breaks while running.
  • Arrange to meet up with your friends to exercise - it's even more fun that way.
  • Want to do more for your preparation? The KoRo Women's Run Berlin offers a preparation course for beginners. You should be able to run easily for about 10 minutes.

Running together builds anticipation for the KoRo Women's Run Berlin 2024. / SCC EVENTS - privat

The most important thing remains: You are here to have fun and enjoy your route through Berlin - and to do good. One euro of your participation fee will benefit women with cancer in financial need. If you want to achieve even more, you can set up a charity team and collect donations.

Nothing can stop you now, Berlin is waiting for you.