The Bambini will show what they are made of as part of the VITAMIN WELL Women's Race Berlin. Between 200m and around 1000m, the Bambini will heat things up and bring a smile to many faces, especially those of the parents. Running fun, power and a rousing atmosphere will not be neglected here. Get your reward at the finish line.
Saturday, May 17, 2025
Start & finish:
Straße des 17. Juni, between the Victory Column and the Brandenburg Gate
Registration periode:
Registration is possible until May 1, 2025, as long as the participation limit has not been reached before then.*
*For girls' races, see special instructions below.
Students Run
3:10 pm
5KM without time keeping
Eligibility to participate:
The students run is for all girls born in 2015 or older. Registration takes place online exclusively via a school.
Participation fee:
6 €
Registration is possible online until May 5th via a user account of the school or the teacher.
After crossing the finish line, each girl will receive a medal. Students don´t receive a T-Shirt.
This event is organized in cooperation with the “Senatsverwaltung für Bildung, Jugend und Familie (Bereich Schulsport und Bewegungserziehung)”
If you have any questions, feel free to write us via our contact form